
We’ve all been there. You’re short on time or late for work, or home with sick kids. What part of your skincare routine are you likely to skip?

For many it is your morning facial cleanse. Grab some coffee, slap on some makeup and off you go. Not so fast! Even if you washed your face before going to bed the night before (you did, didn’t you?), your body naturally produces sebum (oil). This oil can interfere with products you use in the daytime, such as sunscreen. Additionally, any products you used for your evening skincare routine need to be removed for the same reason. You want your face to get a fresh start for the day ahead, use a gentle cleanser and a proper moisturizer, and of course, a daily sunscreen.

Or is it your evening routine that gets sacrificed? Don’t let it happen again! Just visualize all the dirt, dust, bacteria, and environmental toxins that cling to your face throughout the day, and you have quite a slurry of yuck. Thank your face for all that it puts up with during the day by giving it a gentle cleanse in the evening as well.

You wouldn’t consider skipping brushing your teeth twice a day, don’t consider skipping your face wash either!

For help in designing a cleaning routine that works for you, ask me for advice at your next appointment!