

Of course you know that too much sugar is bad for your health.  But did you know it’s actually bad for your skin as well? Sugar is hidden in much of the food we purchase, and healthy carbohydrates convert to sugar in the body. Even fresh fruit juices are loaded with it. Some studies compare sugar addiction to drug addiction. As we enjoy Halloween and head into the (sugar laden) holiday season, here are some easy tips to help reduce your sugar cravings!

Just Breathe

Grapefruit or peppermint oil can stop sugar cravings in their tracks. Simply place a few drops in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and cup them over your nose. Take several deep breaths.

Drink up

If you are dehydrated, your body often craves sugar. Grab a glass or two of water or unsweetened green tea to quench your thirst and your cravings.


Cacao (raw cocoa bean) is one of the highest sources of magnesium, and many of us are deficient in this mineral. Magnesium helps regulate glucose, insulin and the neurotransmitter dopamine (one of the chemical signals in your brain that allows you to feel good). Enjoy a handful of dark chocolate when you are craving sugar. 


Dancing, running, yoga; regular exercise has been show to reduce sugar cravings.


For most people though, moderation is the key.  Restriction can lead to a cycle of overindulgence and guilt.  Set guidelines that allow you to enjoy the holiday treats.  Fill up on veggies and lean protein first, and drink plenty of water.  Then enjoy that tasty drink or serving of sweets with no regrets!

Regular professional facials and skin care assessment are a must for healthy skin.  At Privy Skin Care we offer unparalleled personal service.  Call us for a consultation or book your appointment online today! For some, eliminating sugar is the goal.
